52 square meter Gothenburg apartment

This cozy flat is located in a cute part of Gothenburg. Information technology has a neat location and it besides benefits from splendid views over the harbor and the surrounding area. The overall wait is bright and cheerful. It'south a very inviting apartment indeed. It's a 52 square meter apartment simply it's really perfect for a single couple.

Inviting Gothenburg Apartment Living View in gallery

Since it's rather small, the designers used a few uncomplicated tricks to make the room seem bigger. For example, the floors have been painted white throughout and this really opens up the décor and makes everything seem brighter. The rooms besides accept high ceilings and this is a great reward. Each room and each space has different colors and a different expect simply when seen altogether they expect like a harmonious composition.

Inviting Gothenburg Apartment bedroom View in gallery
Inviting Gothenburg Apartment door View in gallery
Inviting Gothenburg Apartment hall View in gallery
Inviting Gothenburg Apartment kitchen View in gallery
Inviting Gothenburg Apartment kitchen1 View in gallery
Inviting Gothenburg Apartment kitchen living View in gallery
Inviting Gothenburg Apartment Living1 View in gallery
Inviting Gothenburg Apartment Picture View in gallery
Inviting Gothenburg Apartment Sofa Dog View in gallery

Inviting Gothenburg Apartment bathroom

Inviting Gothenburg Apartment bathroom1

Storage is non a trouble either. In the hall there are built-in storage units with rods besides as several shelves and hooks. The living room has a certain calm and delicate await and it's not very cheerful. Still, it has amazing views over the city and the westward harbor and this solve any trouble. The living room besides has pink wallpaper that creates a romantic temper, just like in the bedroom where the same color has been used for the walls. The kitchen is more often than not white and information technology seems very neat and organized.{found on delikatissen and Alvhem }


Source: https://www.homedit.com/52-square-meter-gothenburg-apartment/

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