Educreations homepage

Educreations is an interactive whiteboard drawing and recording tool that allows educators and students akin to blueprint more than enhanced and engaging presentations. On the Educreations site or iOS app, users tin can tape, share, and view interactive lesson plans. Users can import images into their whiteboard with the free version and mark them up in real time up on a screen.

Tool Snapshot

Cost Free Basic Account; Pro Classroom & School Accounts
Learning Cognitivism, Constructionism
Ease of Utilise ★★★★✩
Privacy ★★✩✩✩
Accessibility ★★✩✩✩
Class Size Unlimited
Login Yep
ISTE*Southward Knowledge Constructor, Creative Communicator
FERPA: Yeah; COPPA: Uncertain

Educreations in 120 seconds video

Educreations & the SAMR Model

Dr. Ruben Puentedura'southward SAMR model offers a lens for examining how technology is adopted in a classroom. As you strive to incorporate online tools into your classroom, nosotros encourage you to use this model as an analytic tool.

Here is an example of how Educreations might fit inside the SAMR model:

  • Commutation: A teacher tin simply use the Educreations interactive whiteboard instead of a traditional 1, but essentially accomplish the same task
  • Augmentation: The interactive whiteboard has the power to practise more than a traditional ane, though, and a teacher or student tin can hands and seamlessly incorporate documents and graphics into the whiteboard.
  • Modification: A teacher can post video or interactive lessons on Educreations that students can follow along with at their own step, in schoolhouse or at home. This can lead to more class time spent on hands on activities and larger discussions.
  • Redefinition: Students take the opportunity to create their own content for the instructor and their fellow students to meet. This can allow for more engaging assignments, and lead students to develop a mastery of the subject matter by assisting in instruction their fellow classmates.

Far besides often, technology is used as a direct substitute for other low-tech tools (e.thousand., pencil and newspaper). While substitution has some benefits (e.g., students develop their applied science skills and knowledge), we encourage yous to think nearly how you lot might utilize Educreations to modify or redefine learning.

Image of a digital whiteboard

Learning Activities

Math: The interactive whiteboard, with uploadable graphics and tables, makes math come alive. Students can go at their own pace and even show their work more hands, allowing teachers to assist them more easily.

Scientific discipline: Interactive labs are piece of cake with Educreations. Avant-garde postings let students who may learn differently piece of work at their ain pace and students can share their individual steps post-obit the scientific method with their instructor and fellow classmates.

English/Language Arts: Guided reading notes and literature/poetry analysis becomes much more lively when used alongside the Educreations interactive whiteboard.

Social Studies: Marking upwards documents as role of a video lesson is easier and much more readily attainable with Educreations. Also, with pupil based creation, practicing document analysis with a video recording allows students to share their methods and findings with each other.


  • Mutual Sense Teaching Review
  • EdSurge Review
  • https://world wide
  • Review
  • Mutual Sense Education Video
  • Educreations Privacy Policy

How to Use Educreations

  1. Create an account on Educreations every bit a student or a teacher. If your institution has a Pro account with Educreations, yous can annals with your schoolhouse during this procedure
  2. On the website or on the app, there will be a "+" icon that allows you to create a new lesson. Clicking this volition open up the whiteboard and start a phonation recording.
  3. Draw on your whiteboard, drag and drib images from your camera whorl, and narrate in existent time.
  4. When finished, there is a "Done" button in the superlative, left corner of the screen. It volition requite you the option to salvage your lesson, or to start over.
  5. For more in depth FAQs, encounter Educreations' website here https://world wide


Ahmad, K. & Hinck, G. Med.Sci.Educ. (2016) The Impact of a Class-Content Creation Tool (Educreations™) on Student Learning in a Physiology Grade 26: 275.

Ibrahim, Grand. & Watts, A. (2014). Examining the Effect of Using Voicethread and Educreations on Preservice Teachers' Self Efficacy and Learning Event in Online Form. In One thousand. Searson & M. Ochoa (Eds.), Proceedings of SITE 2014–Club for Information Engineering science & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 554-560). Jacksonville, Florida, U.s.a.: Clan for the Advocacy of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved November 14, 2018 from https://world wide .